Questionnaire to Stakeholders
1.Please select your identification
*Must select
Local Communities
2.Select the attention level according to the following concerns
*Must answer each question
Very low
Very high
1.Sustainable Development Strategy- The company should establish the sustainable development plan, and implement to achieve sustainable goals.
2.Economic Performance- Financial performance and overview related to business operations.
3.Ethical Management- Prevention of dishonest behaviors such as corruption (bribery), antitrust (restriction of competition, eg. monopoly), etc.
4.Marketing Integrity- Sales statements and package inserts of drug comply with relevant ethical regulation.
5.Drug License- To promote social health and public well-being, the company provides supports on using healthcare products available for “diseases of priority prevention” and “areas with vulnerable medical and health condition”.
6.Counterfeit Drug- Maintain product traceability and counterfeit prevention throughout the supplier chain.
7.Promote the sustainable development through screening, auditing and influencing suppliers.
8.Information Security- Implementation of information security management to protect personal privacy, confidential information.
9.Develop mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate-related risks and opportunities, and manage energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
10.Water Management- Management of water consumption, sewage treatment and wastewater discharge.
11.Waste Management- Waste reduction, resource recycling and related impact management.
12.Drug Safety- Control measures for drug safety concerns.
13.Reasonable Pricing- Drug pricing, or price fluctuations and increases are reasonable.
14.Talent Attraction and Retention- The company fulfills the responsibility of taking care of employees and provide good compensation.
15.Clinical Trial Safety- The company needs to ensure the management process of medical quality and patient safety.
16.Occupational Safety and Health- Protect safety and health of workers (employees and non-employee workers), and prevent occupational hazards.
17.Social Participation- Invest resources to the community, enhance social harmony and public welfare.