Sustainability Report

TTY Biopharm Co., Ltd. ("TTY") has issued a sustainability report for 7 consecutive years. Through this report we demonstrate to all stakeholders as part of our sustainable management goals, performance data and related management methods implemented for corporate governance, maintenance of patients' health and safety, responsible products and manufacturing, environmental protection, supply chain management, and employee care and social welfare. We also propose future improvement goals to implement corporate citizenship through concrete actions.


Report Quality Control

Compilation Internal Review External Guarantee Finalization
The report is planned by TTY Biopharm Sustainable Development Promotion Center (SDPC), who then compile and proofread the disclosure, data, and performance index prepared by responsible units. Each unit shall confirm the completeness and accuracy of the report, and the highest unit officers make final approvals. • Afnor Asia Ltd., an independent assurance provider, is commissioned to assure after examination against the AA 1000 AS v3, Type 1 and The Moderate Assurance that the report aligns with GRI and AA 1000 AP (2018).

• Financial data is IFRs approved by KPMG Taiwan, in the currency of Taiwan dollars.
Prior to issuance, the report is fact checked against annual audit items planned by the internal audit team based on applicable regulations and reviewed by the SDPC before being reported to the Sustainable Development Committee.

Compilation Guidelines
This report is prepared under the guidance of the Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) 2021. The GRI index is listed in the Appendix.

Issuance Frequency
The Company is committed to publishing a sustainability report every year going forward. The last report was published in July 2022 in the Sustainability section of the Company's website for stakeholders to download and review. This report was published in June 2023. The next report will be published in June 2024.