Corporate Governance

An excellent corporate governance framework is the cornerstone of corporate sustainability. TTY considers itself a sustainable citizen and implements various internal management mechanisms. Transparency of the decision-making process of the top management level is demonstrated to stakeholders.

TTY Biopharm views the safeguarding of shareholder rights and interests as its main goal. Under the solid leadership of our chairman, we maintain a constant focus on research and development in the biopharmaceutical industry to ensure stable profit growth. This enables us to create profits for our shareholders, offer kind working conditions for our employees, and maintain long-term cooperative relationships with our supply chain partners.

As an enterprise with a clearly defined mission, we bravely embrace the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility: corporate governance, social engagement, and sustainable environment. We aim to evolve into an excellent enterprise with international competitiveness, a charitable and benevolent corporate culture, and justice and fairness in our actions.

More Corporate Governance information of the Company, please check on Investors section<Corporate Governance>.