Supplier Assessment
Chungli Factory
Qualified suppliers of the Chungli factory include 588 raw material suppliers (OEM included) and 107 manufacturers, of which 125 are raw materials (API and Excipient) and 463 are materials. There were 15 additions in year 2023, of which 3 comprised raw material and 12 material suppliers.
The 318 items purchased in year 2023 by the Chungli factory were assessed based on cycle time, quality, customer complaints, supportiveness, and sustainability. The results indicated 314 classified as Grade A, 4 as Grade B, and 0 as Grade C. The management measures for suppliers of grade A items apply if the Company launches new items; these suppliers would be prioritized for consideration, and the results provided to the quality control department for exemption from testing and evaluation of raw materials.

Assessment Results

Category API Excipient Packing Material Total
Grade A Supplier (lowest risk) 24 58 232 314
Grade B Supplier (moderate risk) 0 2 2 4
Grade C Supplier (highest risk) 0 0 0 0
Total 24 60 234 318
Lioudu Factory
Qualified suppliers of the Lioudu factory include 466 raw material suppliers and 178 manufacturers, of which 214 are raw materials (API and Excipient) and 252 are material suppliers. There were 33 additions in year 2023, of which 8 were raw material and 25 were material suppliers.
The 330 items purchased in year 2023 by the Lioudu factory were assessed based on quality and customer complaints. The results indicated that 330 classified as Grade A, 0 as Grade B, and 0 as Grade C. Follow-ups and improvement will be required for Grade B suppliers, and these suppliers will be prioritized on the supervision list with increased review frequency in 2024 as necessary.

Assessment Results

Category API Excipient Packing Material Total
Grade A Supplier (lowest risk) 50 90 190 330
Grade B Supplier (moderate risk) 0 0 0 0
Grade C Supplier (highest risk) 0 0 0 0
Total 50 90 190 330
Neihu Factory
TTY uses onsite inspections and paper reviews as the methods to evaluate suppliers. A supplier that engages closely without major deficiencies and delivers consistently good standards is identified as a qualified supplier. Conversely, a reviewee with poor commitment that shows significant faults or fails to deliver consistently will be regarded as disqualified and the candidate will be removed from the contract. In this case, proper sources of material will be on request.
The qualified suppliers of Neihu factory (removed the suppliers without trading or OEM within 2 years) include 56 as raw material suppliers, 31 manufacturers, and 18 agents, of which 34 are raw material (API and Excipient) and 22 are material suppliers. There was 1 additional material supplier added in 2023.
The 26 items purchased in year 2023 by the Neihu factory were assessed based on quality and supportiveness. The results indicated that 26 classified as eligible, and no supplier failed the assessment.

Assessment Results

Category API Excipient Packing Material Total
Qualified items 2 19 5 26
Unqualified items 0 0 0 0
Total 2 19 5 26