Information Security Policies and Management
IS Management
Information Security & Risk Management Framework
  • One supervisor and several professional members of Information Technology are in charge of the overall information security and the safe management of information assets. This scope ranges from information security policies and procedures established, to information security operation and policy implementation, to the Company information security governance overview reporting to the BoD. The last report date is on March 8, 2024.
  • The auditing manager and dedicated auditor in Auditing supervise and conduct audits of information security affairs. Immediate requests for improvement and action plans will be made if any shortcomings are found. Corrections are regularly followed to mitigate internal information risks.
  • The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) operation mode is adopted to ensure the achievement of reliability targets and continuous improvement.
Information Security Policies and Management
The information security management mechanism includes the following:
1. System specification: formulate the IS management system and standardize personnel operations.
2. Technology application: build IS management equipment and implement IS management measures.
3. Personnel training: conduct IS education and training to enhance the awareness of IS of all colleagues.
Information Security Measures
TTY conducts regularly reviews on internal information security regulations, and report to the Audit Committee. Based on system standardize, technology application, personnel training to conduct the implementation. The company also complies with the ISO 27005 Risk Assessment Principles, analyzes the internal risk level based on asset value, weakness, threat and impact, and uses the risk assessment results to formulate security measures to improve and enhance the overall information security environment.
Investment in information security management
In the post-epidemic era, global companies are still being attacked by hackers with different intrusion methods. TTY will carry out overall planning from six important directions including: equipment security, external connection access and intranet control, professional information security testing, implement preventive drills, and personnel information security awareness.
In year 2023, TTY assess the possibility of importing ISO 27001 to complete the company's operating procedures through its rigorous system.