Employee Care

The talents are the most precious assets of TTY, and the key basis to support and maintain the operation. We establish trust and commitment between employees and company through convenient communication channels, to improve work efficiency and achieve the goal of mutual prosperity between talents and TTY.
Over the years, TTY has been committed to create employment opportunities, maintain an equal workplace, a gender-friendly workplace, a competitive salary policy, complete welfare guarantees, and communication channels, as well as the education and training for career development, while ensuring occupational safety and health, and human rights issues to fulfill TTY’s responsibilities.


The key performance achievements:
• In year 2023 with the total to 508 work opportunities.
• 48.33% of managerial positions are filled by females, demonstrating our commitment to gender equality in the workplace.
• By the end of year 2023, a total of 82 new recruits had been surveyed with a satisfaction rate of 90%. (The scoring method includes 5 major items: environmental adaptation, interaction, work adaptation, life adjustment and counselor care, 20 points per item with a total of 100%).
• A total of 803 participants were given free viccinations to employees, their families, and directors.
• In year 2023, the average training time of each employee was 4.58 hours.
• For a consecutive 16 years since year 2008, a total of 417 interns have benefited from the Summer Internship Program (SIP).

Safeguarding Labor Rights
Commitment to Labor Rights
To provide a fair and safe workplace, our operation is in compliance with the internationally recognized human rights standards, inclusive of the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UNGC 10 Principles, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The stipulation of the TTY human rights policy follows local labor regulations to treat and respect every stakeholder equally. 
In compliance with international human rights standards and local laws and regulations
The Company strives to protect the basic human rights of employees and to recognize and comply with these international human rights conventions. The Company must not violate human rights and must protect the legitimate rights and interests of its employees.
Ensure equal job opportunities by eliminate discrimination
Implement workplace diversity, and ensure that employees are not subject to any discrimination or unfair treatment based on gender, race, age, marriage, religion, or political position, etc.
Ensure a safe and healthy working environment
Under the guidance of relevant laws and regulations, occupational safety, and health education and training to ensure workplace and personal safety protection. Establish an "occupational safety and health team", labor meetings, and complaint handling channels to continue improving the safety and health conditions of the working environment. This reduces the risks of occupational disasters, ensures the physical and mental health of employees, as well the observation of mutual rights.
conduct risk management and assessment methods to implement various activities and management, establish an Occupational Safety and Health Management Syste (ISO 45001) and complete external audit verification.
No forced labor or child labor
Child labor that does not meet the minimum legal age is prohibited. No forced, compulsory labor or child labor is allowed within the Company in year 2020.
Adopted the "Supplier Sustainability Management Assessment"
Reviews suppliers’ performance on cycle time, quality, customer complaints, supportiveness and sustainability, in year 2020 it was verified that no forced or compulsory labor, or other material risks which committed by suppliers.
Assist colleagues with their physical and mental health and a work-life balance
The employee health examination that prevents potential health risks and employee diversified activities were arranged, and extensive interaction among co-workers through club participation, as well as child-care services within the Company to assist parents with childcare.
Safeguard the privacy and information security
It is critical to safeguard the privacy of our employees and stakeholders. For personal data protection, we have in place a complete information security management mechanism, strong info-security awareness, and follow strict management, control, and protective standards.
Management and Practice
Comply the basic human rights of labor, such as freedom of association, collective bargaining, caring for vulnerable groups, banned child labor, eliminating all forms of forced labor, eliminating employment discrimination, and confirming the human resources policies are gender-free, ethnic, age, marriage and differential treatment of family status, etc., to implement equality of remuneration, employment conditions, training and promotion opportunities.
Provide information of the labor laws of the country to employees.
Create a good environment for the development of employees' careers, and establish an effective career development training program. The business performance or results of the company should be appropriately reflected in the employee compensation policy to ensure the recruitment, retention and encouragement of human resources and achieve the goal of sustainable management.
Establish a channel for regular communication and dialogue between employees, so that employees have the right to obtain information and express opinions on the company's business management activities and decision-making.
Comply with Article 16 of the 《Labor Standards Law》 and exercise the minimum notice period for terminating the labor contract according to law.
We have established transparent and effective multi-perspective communication channels for all employees, and understand their needs and expectations for the company. Those are an important reference for the corporate social responsibility policies and related plans. Our employee communication channels include: TTY announcements, internal employees website (Sharepoint), TTY newsletter, reading clubs, departmental meetings, internal and external education training (e-learning), performance interviews, remuneration committee.